Tuesday 14 October 2008

Media Makers

It now seems that those employed in the field of Media as students would see it (magazines, newspapers, TV etc) and therefore not how academics would see it are also considering the notion of Media 2.o. Whilst other commentators believe that New Media and how the audience applies this to them are important, there is one commentator who deems that 'Web 2.0 is not Media 2.0'. It also seems that many agree with him. However, it is important to note that there may be some bias to his thinking as Karp is one of the 'fat cats' behind Publish2 Inc. which is an organisation which aims to assist journalists in publishing articles for the web - it is a web-based news wire and Karp, along with his collegue Robert Young are now responsible for ensuring that journalists contribute more to New Media

There appears to be a change of tack as in another article, Karp is concerned that Media 2.0 (user generated) may not be as profitable as Media 1.0 (institutionally created content). With the current economic crisis, traditional 'media makers' will be concerned about their profits as no-one will be able to afford to pay the mortgage, let alone fork out for a new TV or computer or the latest technical gadget. Essentially, Karp and his contributors are bound to give a biased view as it will reflect badly on their (quite frankly, extortionate) wages if they do not.

I cannot fathom Karp's logic here. One minute he is arguing that journalists must contribute to the web and the next he is saying that they shouldn't as they might not make enough money. If anyone can interpret karp's business speak, or his logic in general then I would appreciate it as his thinkig appears to be flawed. Interestingly, Karp is also being affiliated with the 'Media 2.0 Work Group' in which the website describes this colloboration of media fat cats a' group of industry commentators, agitators and innovators who believe that the phenomena of democratic participation will change the face of media creation, distribution and consumption'.

Here are the articles in question:



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